Cocker Spaniel
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Here are photos I took the weekend of January 6, 2007, at an agility match in Industry Hills, California:
My favorite dog at the show. His name is Casey.
He has a gorgeous full coat, a wonderful personality, and he's great at agility!
There were Cockers in many different coat colors, including this sable.
His name is Bismark, and his owner/handler is Pam Metzger.
A little further down the page you'll see another one of her dogs.
Most of the Cockers had their coats shaved down short.
It would take a huge amount of work to keep a long coat on active dogs like these.
This dog belongs to Florance Goldsworthy. I think his name is either Boo or Razzie.
I can't remember... I met so many dogs that day!
This is my friend, Sharon Stevens, with her dog, Duke.
Duke qualified in both the standard agility run and the "jumpers with weaves" run.
Speaking of weave poles...
...that beautiful red & white parti, Casey, shows how it's done.
By the way, Casey is famous. That's him on the cover of a calendar you may
have seen in the stores.
I was fascinated with this dog because it looked so much like our girl,
After talking to the owner, it all made sense. This is one of Reese's brothers!
His name is Brewster, and his owner/handler is Pam Metzger.
Our back yard definitely needs one of these contraptions in it! (It's called a
One of our friends is going to bring us a used motorcycle tire and I'm going to try to make one of these things!
You can see in the facial expression how much this dog was loving this!
I think this may be the same dog in the third picture from the top.
Just before the Duke starts his run, Sharon gets him set at the starting point
Duke is off and running. Or should that be "off and flying"?!?
I didn't manage to get a picture of this Cocker in motion, but I did snap it at the
same event as the other photos you see here.
Notice the nice way the owner has trimmed around this dog's front feet.
That's a good lesson for those of you who groom your own Cocker.
This was the fastest Cocker I saw all day. Her name is Chaos.
Chaos won the award for "Novice High Cocker" at this trial.
That makes me feel better, since every picture I took of her in action just came out as a blur!
The only way I could get a clear photo of her was when she was sitting down.
There were other breeds of dogs at the show, and this Border Collie was one of the
fastest dogs I had ever seen.
This was the weirdest looking dog I saw all day! Yes, that's a dog.
See the tongue?!?
I think this is a Hungarian Puli.
The best agility photo I've ever taken was actually not taken at an agility trial...
I shot it in my back yard! That's our boy, Dodger.
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